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193 photos
One of the first ways to enjoy a great meal is with your eyes.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:american, bar-b-cue, bar-b-que, bbq, burger, burgers, city, coffee, cuisine, dining, dining, dip, eating, fine, food, foodporn, fried, german, grilled, kansas, local, market, photography, restaurant, smoked.

square coffeeRoasterie Kansas City Blend WrapGrunauer Tommy Knocker wurstA good after dinnerIMG_0023Zarda burnt endsZarda Average Joe sandwich with fried picklesMinsky’s Prairie Village - Hummuslocal pig_-3ClockTower Bakery TartsWeiner Wagon 1Weiner Wagon 2Weiner Wagon 3Ibis Bakery Artisan Toastibis bakery toast artisan breadClockTower BakeryOur Sassy Pantry -jams and jellyWeiner Wagon 4Smallcakes - Overland Parkapple butter and bread